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Fedoseev, Nikolaj F. ; Domżalski, Krzysztof ; Opaiţ, Andrej ; Kulikov, Aleksej V.
The paper presents pottery and other artefacts discovered during rescue excavations in the central part of Kerch, Crimea. Especially important is a deposit of broken trade amphorae, tableware and other pottery, dumped in a shallow pit (Pit 2). Trade amphorae dominated in the whole deposit. Among the33 identified containers the vast majority (30) were of Aegean, Levantine and eastern Pontic origin, followed by two local, Bosporan fish amphorae and one Late Roman A (LRA) 2 olive oil amphora. The fine pottery is represented by nine imported vessels and fragments. The majority of these dishes are the so-called Late Roman C (LRC) or Phocean Red Slip (PhRS) ware, produced in the north-eastern Aegean coastal area, mainly in Phokaia. Two vessels represent a recently isolated group called Late Roman Pontic Burnished (LRPB) ware of unknown provenance and distribution embracing exclusively the Black Sea basin. The rest of the discovered artefacts constitute much less numerous table amphorae and pitchers of possibly local origin, locally made hand-thrownpots and lamps, imported spouted pitchers and a cooking pot, various amphora fragments secondarily used as stoppers, broken roof-tiles, as well as small glass, metal and stone objects. All these artefacts found in a sealed deposit, dated by the imported fine wares and amphorae to the late 6th and possibly early 7th century, shed important light on the economic life and trade relations of Pantikapaion-Bosporos in the least known period of its existence
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