Archaeologia Polona Vol. 44 (2006)
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences
This is a follow-up on Ewa Domańska's reflections on the "return to things" treated as a challenge directed against theoretical discourse within the historical sciences, which have been dominated until now by an approach concentrated almost exclusively on thoughts, mean-ings, symbols, signs, etc. This article searches for the reasons and outcomes of the prolonged tension and "intellectual stagnation" that occurred almost simultaneously, but independently, in various research milieux. The essence of the reflection is based on the author's thoughts and observations on theore-tical reflection in archaeology and how they relate not only to the current excavations and narrations, but also to the widely understood historical sciences. By rejecting clear paradigmatic description derived a multi-directional theoretical reflection, the author seeks to emphasize the progressive hybridization of the theoretical consciousness of related disciplines (history, anthropology, archaeology, etc.) that use similar concepts and turn to each other seeking inspi-ration. Also, the new situation where archaeology is viewed as a contributor, not merely a recipient of new and inspiring ideas is stressed
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