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Title: The long-term change in composition of Medieval woodash glass


Wedepohl, Karl Hans

Date issued/created:


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Archaeologia Polona Vol. 45 (2007)


Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences

Place of publishing:



il. ; 24 cm

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Woodash glass characterized by potassium plus calcium instead of sodium plus calcium was the major type in European Medieval glass production. The exhaustion of sodium-based raw materials from Egypt caused a change to local sources during the Carolingian period. With the invention of Gothic architecture, glass production and the number of glasshouses increased, but the technical experience was limited, the glasshouses working at the lowest possible furnace temperature of 1200 degrees centigrade which required the high potassium concentrations of beech trunks instead of bulk trees. The latter sources with high calcium concentrations characterized the early and late Medieval glass production at higher furnace temperature. Lack of woods in England and France had to be compensated by mixing woodash with fernash. The late Medieval total production of glass panes in Germany was in the range of 30,000 tons


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Brill, R.H. 1999. Chemical analyses of early glass, Vol. I-II. The catalogue/the tables. Corning. New York
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Gerth, K., K. H. Wedepohl and K. Heide 1998. Experimental melts to explore the technique of medieval woodash glass production and the chlorine content of Medieval glass types. Chemie der Erde 58: 219-32
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Morey, G. W., F. C. Kracek and N.L. Bowen 1930. The ternary system K2O-CaO-SiO2. Journal of the Science of Glass Technology 14: 149-87
Mortimer, C. 1993. Assessment of window glass fragments and grozing debris from Westminster Abbey, London. Ancient Monuments Laboratory Report 83/93: 1-8
Newton, R. R. and D. Fuchs 1988. Chemical compositions and weathering of some Medieval glasses from York Minster, part I. Glass Technology 29: 43-8
Schmid, B., I. Krueger and K.H. Wedepohl 1996. Das Fundmaterial zweier mittelalterlicher Latrinen aus Mainz, Tritonplatz. Mainzer archäologische Zeitschrift 3: 127-231
Six, H. and H. H. Mader 1989. Spätmittelalterliche Bleiglasherstellung in der Umgebung von Grünenplan im Hils. Glastechnische Berichte 62: 73-5
Theobald, W. 1933. Technik und Kunsthandwerk im zehnten Jahrhundert. Des Theophilus Presbyter Diversarum Artium Schedula. Berlin
Watzke, B. 2001. Materialwissenschaftliche Untersuchungen von Produktionseinrich-tungen und Produkten der spätmittelalterlichen Glashütte Schönbuch. Diplomarbeit Würzburg
Wedepohl, K. H., 2003. Glass in Antike und Mittelalter Geschichte eines Werkstoffs. Stuttgart
Wedepohl, K. H., H. Weiss and A. Kronz (to be published). Um die Jahrtausendwende hergestelltes Fensterglas aus Vreden im Münsterland


Archaeologia Polona



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IAiE PAN, sygn. P 357 ; IAiE PAN, sygn. P 358 ; IAiE PAN, sygn. P 356 ; click here to follow the link



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Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk

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Biblioteka Instytutu Archeologii i Etnologii PAN



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