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Archaeologia Polona Vol. 45 (2007)
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences
Remains of a glass workshop were discovered during the Polish-Italian excavations conducted in 1961-1962 at the Island of Torcello in the Venetian Lagoon. It was dated tentatively to the 7th-8th century, although a radiocarbon dating of a charcoal sample from inside a circular kiln gave a date of AD 845 ± 45 (Rome-233). After calibration, the average date was moved to AD 930, and AD 887-972 with a probability of 68% and AD 812-1003 with a probability of 95%. The lowest acceptable limit based on the archaeological record is the 9th century (most probably the second half ). Thus, it seems that the workshop originated in connection with the increased economic importance of the settlement at Torcello, which prompted the Emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitos a hundred years later to call it a “great emporium” on the Venetian Lagoon
Alessio, M., F. Bella, F. Bachechi and C. Cortesi 1967. University of Rome Carbon-14 Dates V. Radiocarbon 9: 346-67
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Hensel, W., L. Leciejewicz and E. S. Tabaczyńscy 1966. Polsko-włoskie badania nad początkami Wenecji. Archeologia Polski 10: 600-54
Leciejewicz, L., E. Tabaczyńska and S. Tabaczyński 1969-1970. Commento archeologico ai reperti naturali, antichi e medioevali, scoperti a Torcello (1961-1962). Memorie di Biogeografia Adriatica 8: 89-105, pls 1-21
Leciejewicz, L., E. Tabaczyńska and S. Tabaczyński. 1977. Torcello. Scavi 1961-62. Istituto Nazionale d.Archeologia e Storia dell’Arte. Monografie III, Roma
Ortalli, Gh. 1980. Venezia dalle origini a Pietro II Orseolo. In Storia d’Italia I. Longobardi e Bizantini, 341-438. Torino
Pazdur, M.F. 2000. Risultati della calibrazione delle età radiocarbonio convenzionali di frammenti di legno provenienti dal sito archeologico di Torcello. In Torcello, 83-6, tabl. XLVI-LII. Roma
Storia 1992. Storia di Venezia I. Origini . età ducale, L. Cracco-Ruggini, M. Pavan, G. Cracco and Gh. Ortalli (eds). Roma
Torcello 2000. Torcello. Nuove ricerche archeologiche, L. Leciejewicz (ed.). Rivista di Archeologia, Supplementi 23. Roma
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Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Biblioteka Instytutu Archeologii i Etnologii PAN
Mar 3, 2023
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