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Jacob Ibn Isaac al-Corsuno wrote a treatise on the construction of astrolabes in Arabic (Seville 1376, non-extant) which has survived in a later Hebrew version produced by Jacob al-Corsuno himself (Barcelona 1378). Having published in 2018 a scientific edition of the Hebrew version based on the only manuscript known by then (München BSB heb. 261), I have recently identified a new manuscript containing part of the Hebrew version (Paris BnF hébr. 1030) which differs significantly from the BSB witness. This article uses this discovery (a) to conduct an in-depth study of the two manuscripts of Jacob al-Corsuno’s text, focusing in particular on their codicological, textual, and paratextual features and what they can tell us about the scribes, users, and their corresponding contexts; (b) to publish a critical edition of Jacob al-Corsuno’s text based on both manuscripts (together with the edition of two short manuscript texts related to al-Corsuno’s treatise); and (c) to update/correct the edition and translation previously published.
Aleph : Historical Studies in Science and Judaism
Prawa zastrzeżone - dostęp ograniczony
Jan 7, 2025
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