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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Ownership = "Muzeum Okręgowe w Toruniu"]

Number of results: 41

Items per page:

axe (Łuszczewo) - chemical analysis II-III Bronze Age

Archaeological artifact

ferrule (Kuźnice) - metallographic analysis III Bronze Age

Archaeological artifact

axe (Tuchola) - metallographic analysis II-III Bronze Age

Archaeological artifact

axe (Kamionka) - metallographic analysis Neolithic

Archaeological artifact

okucie (Kuźnice) - analiza chemiczna III Bronze Age

Archaeological artifact

armlet (Kuźnice) - chemical analysis III Bronze Age

Archaeological artifact

adze (Ośno) - metallographic analysis brak

Archaeological artifact

armlet (Kościelna Wieś) - chemical analysis II-III Bronze Age

Archaeological artifact

axe (Rogowo) - metallographic analysis II-III Bronze Age

Archaeological artifact

axe (Gniew) - metallographic analysis II Bronze Age

Archaeological artifact

axe (up) - metallographic analysis II-III Bronze Age

Archaeological artifact

axe (Złotoria) - chemical analysis III Bronze Age

Archaeological artifact

axe (Łuszczewo) - metallographic analysis II-III Bronze Age

Archaeological artifact

axe (Radowiska) - chemical analysis II-III Bronze Age

Archaeological artifact

axe (Tuchola) - chemical analysis II-III Bronze Age

Archaeological artifact

axe (Złotoria) - chemical analysis I Bronze Age

Archaeological artifact

bracelet (Kuźnice) - chemical analysis III Bronze Age

Archaeological artifact

axe (Gniew) - chemical analysis II Bronze Age

Archaeological artifact

axe (up) - chemical analysis II-III Bronze Age

Archaeological artifact

armlet (Kuźnice) - chemical analysis III Bronze Age

Archaeological artifact

axe (Łąg) - metallographic analysis II-III Bronze Age

Archaeological artifact

axe (Mały Garc) - chemical analysis III Bronze Age

Archaeological artifact

adze (Ośno) - chemical analysis brak

Archaeological artifact

axe (Złotoria) - chemical analysis II Bronze Age

Archaeological artifact

armlet (Kuźnice) - metallographic analysis III Bronze Age

Archaeological artifact

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