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Projekty RCIN i OZwRCIN

Szukana fraza: [Opis = "The use of habitats by one female moose Alces alces \(Linnaeus, 1758\) in a managed forest area was studied in 1993\-1994. The home range area for the whole year 1993 was 4154 ha \(the 90% minimum convex polygon\). The area used during January\-April in the first winter was 1888 ha \(71% of the summer range in May\-August\). The core area \(50% adaptive kernel\) was 408 ha \(9.8% of home range\) in 1993. Forested peatlands were relatively intensively used by the moose. The old and middle\-aged forests were used heavily up until the autumn. In the second winter with thicker snow cover the home range was smaller and the use of available habitats more uniform. The characteristics of stands used in the core area did not differ significantly from the average for the whole area."]

Wyników: 1

Obiektów na stronie:

Heikkilä, R. Nygrén, K. Härkönen, S. Mykkänen, A.


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