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Projekty RCIN i OZwRCIN

Szukana fraza: [Opis = "The digestibility coefficients of rations of green forage of grasses containing 37.6% dry matter and of maize silage with hay were determined in 5 bulls of Lowland Black and White breed and in 5 hybrids of cattleXEuropean bison. The balalnce method was used. The initial live weight of hybrids was 400 kg and that of domestic cattle bulls 360 kg while their age was similar\: 13\-14 months. The hybrids consumed 17.6 kg and cattle 14.4 kg green forage daily. In the second experiment they intook respectively 27.8 kg and 24 kg silage and about 2.5 kg grass hay daily. The coefficients of digestibility of green gras were significantly lower than those of ration consisting of maize silage and hay. The hybridsdigested feeds similarly as domestic cattle, though the digestibility coefficients in most cases appeared to be lower in cattle. The data ilustrating changes in live weight in the animals during the experiments are included."]

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