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Projekty RCIN i OZwRCIN

Szukana fraza: [Opis = "The breeding season of Talpa europaea Linnaeus, 1758, in the NE of the Iberian Peninsula lasts from December to June, with maximum activity from January to March. Both males and females reach sexual maturity once they have completed their first year. The number of embryos per litter is neither connected with age of the female nor the month of capture. The length breeding season in the area studied implies that some females may have two or even three litters per year under favourable conditions. The average number of embryos per female in the population, as a whole, is 3.12 \(n=17\). The differences noted in comparison with other European populations can be attributed to the differing climatic conditions which are directly related to the timing of the breeding season."]

Wyników: 1

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