Object structure

Znaczenie problematyki obszarów wiejskich oraz rolnictwa w celach i kierunkach rozwoju gospodarki niskoemisyjnej na poziomie gminnym = Importance of issues regarding rural areas and agricultural activities in the objectives and directions of low carbon economy development at communal level


Studia Obszarów Wiejskich = Rural Studies, t. 50


Wiśniewski, Paweł : Autor ; Kistowski, Mariusz (1963– ) : Autor



Place of publishing:


Date issued/created:



24 cm

Type of object:


Subject and Keywords:

low-carbon economy ; local plans of low carbon economy ; strategic planning ; rural areas ; agriculture


Due to significant share in the total greenhouse gas emissions and sensitivity to climate change, agriculture and rural areas should be an important field of activity in the local development of a low carbon economy. The paper presents analysis and evaluation concerning scope and extent of regard for agriculture and rural areas in the strategic and specific objectives and priority directions of low carbon development of communes. The scope and extent the transposition of the objectives, according to the strategic planning rules into specific activities, deadlines, material, financial and human resources, as well as officials and bodies responsible for the implementation of specific measures and indicators for monitoring the effects of planned activities are also evaluated. The analysis included 48 selected low-carbon economy plans, drawn up in the years 2014−2016 for rural, urban-rural and urban communes (one in each of these groups in 16 voivodeships). The analysis of plans for a low carbon economy shows that they are currently of inconsiderable importance in the shaping and coordination of measures for low carbon development of rural areas and related agricultural activities. Therefore, there is a need for a broader inclusion of agricultural and rural areas in these strategic documents, with an indication of their operating and the main directions for low-carbon development of the rural areas in communes, as well as key investment demand, soft and institutional actions, funding sources and appropriately selected indicators for future needs in terms of monitoring the degree of their implementation.


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