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Grave wreaths in archaeological research
Subtitle:Archaeologia Polona Vol. 51-52 (2013-2014)
Creator: Publisher:Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences
Place of publishing: Date issued/created: Description: Type of object: Subject and Keywords:archeologia ; ceremonia pogrzebowa ; wianki grobowe ; Gniew
Abstract:Grave wreaths are regarded as elements of grave equipment and their history dates back to the Antiquity. The constructions of grave wreaths and their symbolic significance have evolved in the space of centuries, together with the changes in beliefs and religions. The last stage of modification was their adoption and transformation by the Christian religion, which initially treated them with reserve, before finally accepting their presence. From the 16th century onwards, wreaths and decorations called ‘grave crowns’ became indispensable elements of funeral ceremonies at children’s, youth and unmarried young persons’ burials. They were bearers of strong symbolic messages and took varied material forms, unfortunately not always clearly readable during archaeological excavations. Besides the artefacts plaited of plants, explorations also reveal elaborate constructions of metal wires, silk textile, glass beads and other materials. The excavations conducted in St. Nicolas’ church in Gniew yielded a number of wreath relics made of textiles and metal, uncovered both in crypt burials and the ones deposited under the church floor. Subjected to detailed analyses, they allow to obtain more information and organise the knowledge about the burial ceremonies and traditions of burying young community representatives, as well as trace the development of various crafts of the past
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