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Populations of Spergula vernalis Willd. on dunes in the Toruń basin


Populations of Spergula vernalis on dunes


Symonides, Ewa


Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Ekologii


Polish Scientific Publishers

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Strony 379-416 : ilustracje ; 24 cm ; Bibliografia na stronach 414-416 ; Streszczenie w języku polskim

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Subject and Keywords:

sporek wiosenny ; populacje ; ekologia ; Spergula morisonii


The study is concerned with the group properties of five populations of Spergula vernalis Willd. in relation to abiotic and biotic habitat conditions. Measurements of density included frequenry, numbers and biomass, taking into account the participation of the different plant organs in biomass. The distribution of individuals in space was estimated and the results supplemented by examination of the degree of their aggregation. The natality of the populations was described on the basis of several factors: flowering and fruiting biology, pollen and seed germination capacity, fruit and seed production, weight and caloric value of seeds. Curves of survivorship were given for the populations, plotted on the basis of the number of individuals dying in several stages of ontogenesis and the net growth index of the populations .


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Ekologia Polska





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