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Sympetrum pedemontanum (Odonata, Libellulidae) na Północnym Podlasiu ; New date about Sympetrumpedemontanum (Allioni, 1766) (Odonata, Libellulidae) in Northern Podlasie (north-eastern Poland)
Bystrowski, Cezary
Odonata ; Libellulidae ; ważki ; Sympetrum pedemontanum ; Szablak przepasany ; rozmieszczenie geograficzne ; liczebność
The paper presents a few new records of S. pedemontanum from Podlasie (north-east of Poland). The data were collected during last 12 years from 1990 to 2001. Systematic observation have been conducted during first two years of the period at the Narev Valley, (on the area of Narev National Park and at Narev Valley near Tykocin), other were recorded during occasional exploration of different parts of Podlasie.
Collected data generally support hypothesis about increase in number of the species on Polish lowland but number of recorded specimens visibly changed in consecutive years. The biggest population of 5. pedemontanum had developed on irrigation ditches near smali dam on the Ne- reśl (right tributary of Narev river) near Tykocin (UTM: FD19). Numerous population existed there to July of 1992 when was hardly reduced by heavy hailstorm. Only single specimens were observed in 1993 on the locality. In next years the species was not recorded until year 2001 when a few specimen was noted again.
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Nowy Pamiętnik Fizjograficzny, t. 1, z. 2 (2002, wyd. 2003)
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