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Uwagi i uzupełnienia do pracy W. Bazyluka o ważkach okolic Siemienia
Subtitle:Remarks on the paper by W. Bazyluk about dragonflies of the vicinities of Siemień
Buczyński, Paweł
39 dragonfly species were recorded in the vicinities of Siemień (southem Podlasie, middle- eastem Poland) in the years 1941-44 by W. Bazyluk (2002) with Sympecma fusca (Vander L.) in it. The species is rare in the Middle- and Northeastem Poland and the northem border of its distribution area runs through the region. Basing on original materials deposed in the Museum and Institute of Zoology Polish Academy of Sciences it can be stated that the specimen determi- ned as S. fusca belongs to another species - Eurosiberian S. paedisca (Brau.). The smali collection of larvae which was collected in the same area by W. Bazyluk in 1950 is described in the paper too. The two of 8 species were not recorded as imagines: Coenagrion hastulatum and C. pulchellum
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Dziędzielewicz J. 1902. Ważki Galicyi i przyległych krajów Polskich. Muz. Dzieduszyckich, Lwów 175 pp.
Jödicke R. 1997. Die Binsenjungfem und Winterlibellen Europas. Lestidae. Die Neue Brehm-Buchcrei, Bd 631. Westarp Wissenschaften, Magdeburg, 277 pp.
Kinel J., Krasucki A., Noskiewicz J. 1927a. Owady krajowe. Przewodnik do oznaczania rzędów, rodzin i rodzajów. Zeszyt 1 - tekst. Ossolineum, Lwów-Warszawa-Kraków, 326 pp.
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Nowy Pamiętnik Fizjograficzny, t. 1, z. 2 (2002, wyd. 2003)
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Digitizing institution:Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Original in:Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology PAS