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Geographia Polonica Vol. 94 No. 4 (2021)
Mocanu, Irena
Săgeată, Radu
Damian, Nicoleta
Mitrică, Bianca
Persu, Mihaela
Chinese children ; Romanias nannies ; interculural dialogue ; Bucharest ; Romania
Abstract:Since 1990, many Chinese immigrants have come to Romania. These Chinese persons are full time involved in the profitable wholesale and retail trade activities; they have families and children, cared for by Romanian nannies. The study is focused on the particularities of an intercultural dialogue, unique and recenlty highlighted in the Romanian society: between the Romanian nannies and Chinese children, located in a representative urban area for the Chinese minority. The aim of paper is to analyses how two cultures have interacted for the purpose of child care, focusing on the ways in which the life, experiences, attitudes and opportunities of Chinese children are socially and spatially shaped, influenced and structured by cultural features of the Romanian nannies.
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0016-7282 (print) ; 2300-7362 (online) ; 10.7163/GPol.0223
Source:CBGiOS. IGiPZ PAN, call nos.: Cz.2085, Cz.2173, Cz.2406 ; click here to follow the link
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Digitizing institution:Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Original in: Projects co-financed by:European Union. European Regional Development Fund ; Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure