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Nieporowski, Piotr Marcin
Steciąg, Magdalena
Zábranský, Lukáš
Instytut Języka Polskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Place of publishing: Date issued/created: Subject and Keywords:borderland ; communication ; quantitative sociolinguistics ; lingua receptiva ; lingua franca
Abstract:The following article attempts to characterise an intercultural linguistic communication of people livingin the area of Polish-Czech borderland. The research conducted in 2018 aimed to determine the dominatingmodel of communication, as well as the reason behind its prevalence. The article contains the resultsof the analysis of linguistic competences of Poles and Czechs, completed with the portrayal of their languagepreferences. The models known as English as lingua franca, lingua receptiva, as well as their combinationconstitute a context of the considerations.
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