Struktura obiektu

Siła przekonywania – wykorzystanie ekonomii behawioralnej i architektury wyboru w działaniach na rzecz ochrony środowiska w samorządach = The power of persuasion – the use of behavioural economics and choice architecture in local government policy on environmental protection

Inny tytuł:

Przegląd Geograficzny T. 92 z. 4 (2020)


Sokołowicz, Mariusz E. : Autor Affiliation ORCID



Miejsce wydania:


Data wydania/powstania:



24 cm

Typ obiektu:


Temat i słowa kluczowe:

environmental protection ; behavioural economics ; choice architecture


The review conducted in this paper provides for closer identification of social, psychological and economic determinants of effectiveness where environmental-protection instruments are concerned. It further supplies conclusions as to which of these instruments may prove most effective. Reference to research achievements in social psychology and behavioural economics sustains the idea that so-called “choice architecture” may enhance the effectiveness of local-government units’ environmental protection instruments. Analysis further sustains the conclusion that – on account of the psychological impact – efforts to specify environmental costs in money terms yield better results than the (verbal or written) discussion of these costs as left unquantified. Beyond that, analysis of relevant literature points to best results being achieved where instruments translate into costs incurred individually, as well as perceived benefits. Adaptation of different instruments to different societal targets renders environmental policy more effective, providing that people are left aware of the fact that other members of their community behave in a similar way. The integration of environmental policy with other sectoral policies (e.g. spatial or health policy) offers another means of raising effectiveness. Finally, environment policy should be based on a culture of participation an consensus-building between the often-conflicting interests of municipal stakeholders, and supported by frequent and legible public-communication campaigns.


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