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Biological Utilisation of Fatty Waste - Initial Laboratory Examination
Subtitle:Biological Utilisation of Fatty Waste - Initial Laboratory Examination
Creator:Latała, Adam ; Wierzba, Sławomir ; Latała, Beata
Publisher:Committee on Biotechnology PAS ; Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS
Date issued/created: Subject and Keywords: Abstract:This article presents the process of biodegradation of aliphatic substances in oilybleaching soil. For the experiment, oily bleaching soil from the NZPT (a fat-processingplant) from the town of Brzeg was used. Its characteristic features were a high aliphatic substance content and low (3.8-4.5) pH. By means of experiment three compositesof bacteria and yeast were prepared with the use of field and library strains. Ina 44-day process, the mixture offield and library strains caused the aliphatic substance content in the oily bleaching soil to drop by 69-71%. The application of bacterialand yeast strains proved efficient for the aliphatic low-pH waste
Relation:Biotechnologia, vol.48, 1 (2000)-.
Volume: Issue: Start page: End page: Resource type: Detailed Resource Type: Format: Resource Identifier: Source:Library of Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS
Language: Language of abstract: Temporal coverage: Rights:Creative Commons Attribution BY-SA 4.0 license
Terms of use: Digitizing institution:Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Science
Original in:Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Science
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