Struktura obiektu

Dotychczasowe kierunki badań planktonu na wodach szelfu północno-zachodniej Afryki

Inny tytuł:

Review of plankton investigations in the waters of the north-west Africa shelf has hintherto proceded


Wiktor, Krystyna


Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Ekologiczny


Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe

Miejsce wydania:


Data wydania/powstania:



Strony 67-72 ; 24 cm ; Bibliografia na stronach 71-72 ; Streszczenie w języku angielskim

Typ obiektu:


Temat i słowa kluczowe:

Atlantyk (ocean) ; szelf kontynentalny ; plankton


The paper presents the evolution of research problems concerned with plankton which has taken place during the period from the first oceanographic expeditions to these waters up to recent years. During the first phase of these studies publications on the subject were mainly concerned with listing findings, and information on the species composition of phyto- and zooplankton, then the next stage dealt with distribution and biology of different species or whole groups of organisms (including different systematic units). In turn attention was concentrated on questions of the biological productivity of these waters, leading up to problems of energy transformation on the first trophic levels. Work on these latter questions has only just been initiated and further analysis is required. Attention is drawn to a certain unevenness in the degree to which research has progressed in different parts of the shelf, as is also the case in relation to different systematic units. The need is emphasised for intensifying work on the identification and biology of the juvenile stages of fish (eggs and larvae) and shrimps, and also the degree to which plankton is used by fish as food. It is also necessary to elaborate collective keys for identifying species of phyto-and zooplankton occurring in the waters of the nort-west African shelf.


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Wiadomości Ekologiczne





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ISSN 0013-2969


MiIZ PAN, sygn. P.3259 ; kliknij tutaj, żeby przejść



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Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk

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Biblioteka Muzeum i Instytutu Zoologii PAN

Dofinansowane ze środków:

Program Operacyjny Polska Cyfrowa, lata 2014-2020, Działanie 2.3 : Cyfrowa dostępność i użyteczność sektora publicznego; środki z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego oraz współfinansowania krajowego z budżetu państwa





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