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Between History and Archaeology : papers in honour of Jacek Lech
Creator: Publisher: Place of publishing: Date issued/created: Description: Type of object: Subject and Keywords:Carpathians ; lithic raw materials ; Neolithic ; Bronze Age
Abstract:This paper refers to the exploitation of lithic raw materials in the eastern part of the Polish Carpathians. The surface surveys and LIDAR analysis carried out in 2013–2016 on this area resulted in discovery of new resources of various lithic raw materials used in the prehistory: siliceous sandstones, quartzite, siliceous marl, menilite hornstones, light-brown hornstone, flysch radiolarite, Bircza-like flints, light-brown tabular hornstone. The Dynów marl, Bircza flint and siliceous sandstones were exploited both for local and much wider use. Other kinds of raw materials probably have only local significance. The last discovery in the Eastern Polish Carpathians confirms a large variety of local lithic materials available for a prehistoric man. On the other hand, they show the large gaps in our knowledge about resources, differentiation and utilization of the Carpathian lithic raw materials
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