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Commission for the fight against the bark beetle - Marian Liberak
Contributor:Kobylański, Józef Władysław (1893–1971) : Collector
Date issued/created: Description:Monochromatic phot. 8,8x13,7 cm ; Title supplied by cataloger ; A stamp on the reverse: "14 SPR 1925" and description: "Pierwsza polsko- czechosłowacka Komisja dla uzgadniania walki z kornikiem. x Inż. M.A. Liberak, xx prof. Stanisław Sokołowski, leśnik"
Subject and Keywords:Liberak, Marian Adam (1890-1931) ; Sokołowski, Stanisław (1865-1942) ; foresters ; environmental activists ; Tatra Mountains (Poland)- forests ; fight against bark beetle
Resource type: Detailed Resource Type: Source: Rights: Terms of use: Digitizing institution:Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Original in:Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology PAS
Projects co-financed by: Access: