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Geographia Polonica Vol. 92 No. 2 (2019)
Żmudzka, Elwira
Kulesza, Kinga
total radiation ; cloud cover ; nephological characteristic days ; Tatras ; trend of changes
Abstract:The differences in the inflow of radiant energy at two stations in the Tatra Mountains were analysed, as well as the role of cloud cover in shaping of radiation conditions (using nephological characteristic days). The average increase in the annual sum of total radiation from Zakopane to Kasprowy Wierch is 193 MJ·m-2 per 1000 m (5.3%). The influence of cloudiness on the inflow of radiant energy to these stations manifests itself i.e. in significantly smaller daily sums of total radiation from mid-May to the end of August at the peak station than at the station lying at the foot of the mountains. For the period 1986-2015, there was an increase of 0.03 MJ·m-2·day-1·year-1 in the annual average daily sums of total radiation in Zakopane, despite a significant increase in the amount of cloud cover in the warm half of the year.
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0016-7282 (print) ; 2300-7362 (online) ; 10.7163/GPol.0145
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