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Zimowiska na osiedlu Rubinkowo w latach 70. i 80. XX wieku w relacjach z kronik i prasy lokalnej
Subtitle:Winter holidays at the Rubinkowo housing estate in the 1970s and 1980s as reported in chronicles and local press ; Journal of Urban Ethnology 16 (2018)
Creator: Publisher:Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN
Place of publishing: Date issued/created: Description: Type of object: Subject and Keywords:Rubinkowo ; free time ; winter holiday ; housing estate ; animation of free time ; urban space
Abstract:Rubinkowo is a high-rise housing estate built in Toruń in the 1970s. Self-sufficient, distant from the centre of Toruń and the cultural institutions located therein, it was initially known as “the end of the world” or a “satellite settlement”. The specificity of the undeveloped space between the buildings made the animation of leisure time during winter holidays not an easy task. In winter, its irregular hills, playgrounds devoid of any facilities, and poorly developed infrastructure made the newly built estate seem exceptionally unfriendly. Yet both the social activists and the residents themselves tried to find a way to develop it. Various business organizations, as well as local cultural and educational institutions, were involved in making the dreary reality more colourful. Everything was organised in such a way that children and teenagers living at the Rubinkowo estate were provided with attractions that would allow them to spend their free time in an interesting manner. The purpose of the current is to trace selected press articles and chronicle records documenting how, at the beginning of the formation of the estate, the free-time animation was dealt with in a space that was difficult to manage and was mainly inhabited by young married couples with children. Both top-down proposals and grassroots actions undertaken by adults and children are of importance here. Winter in the city contributed to specific attempts at taming this new space, so very different from other areas of the city
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IAiE PAN, call no. P 714 ; IAiE PAN, call no. P 1505 ; click here to follow the link
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Digitizing institution:Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Original in:Library of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences