Object structure

Wpływ integracji zabudowy mieszkaniowej ze stacją kolejową na ruch pasażerski w obszarach wiejskich wrocławskiej strefy podmiejskiej = The impact of integrating housing development and railway station on the passenger volume in the rural areas of Wrocław suburban zone


Studia Obszarów Wiejskich = Rural Studies, t. 50


Jurkowski, Wojciech : Autor



Place of publishing:


Date issued/created:



24 cm

Type of object:


Subject and Keywords:

integration ; railway transport ; housing ; suburban zone ; passenger traffic


Over the past years, there has been a dramatic increase in congestion in suburban zones of the largest cities in Poland. One of the solutions to minimize this phenomenon is to increase the role of public transport in the context of movement from suburban zone to the core of agglomeration. Railway transport is environmentally friendly and is independent of congestion, therefore can play a particularly significant role in transport system. However, the issue concerns determining railway passenger volume, because it is necessary that railway transport becomes competitive comparing to private transport. There are many factors that influence travel behavior, which may be divided into two groups: internal and external. It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the growing importance of external factors in literature, particularly transit oriented development. According to the author, in the suburban area of Poland, where the railway transport offer is comparable, it is important to examine what is the impact of external factors. The aim of the paper is to examine how the integration between housing development and railway station affects rail transit passenger volume in the rural areas of Wrocław suburban zone. The analysis is based on spatial statistics implementing GIS tools (mean center, distance to nearest hub, buffer). The research results confirmed correlation between degree of integration and passenger volume. This leads to a conclusion that spatial development of suburban zones must be coordinated with railway in order to ensure effectiveness of transport system.


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