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Affective Studies in Poland: Probing the Field
Subtitle:Vol. 1 (2017) - Special Issue - English Edition
Nycz, Ryszard
Barys, Arthur
21 cm ; Pol. text, eng. summary
Type of object: Subject and Keywords:affect ; culture ; turn ; Poland
1. "The Affect Theory Reader", ed. M. Gregg and G. J. Seigworth (Durham, London: Duke University Press, 2012).
2. "The Affective Turn: Theorising the Social", ed. P. Ticineto Clough and J.Halley (Durham, London: Duke University Press, 2007).
3. S. Ahmed, "The Cultural Politics of Emotions" (London: Routledge, 2004).
4. Ch. Altieri, "The Particulars of Rapture. An Aesthetics of the Affects" (Ithaca, London: Cornell University Press, 2003).
5. D. Bachmann-Medick, "Cultural Turns. New Orientations in the Study of Culture", trans. A. Blauhut (Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2016).
6. G. Deleuze, F. Guattari, "What is Philosophy?", trans. G. Burchell and H. Tomlinson (London, New York: Verso, 1994).
7. "Emocje w kulturze", ed. M. Rajtar and J. Straczuk (Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2012).
8. "Formy aktywności umysłu. Ujęcia kognitywistyczne." Vol. 1: "Emocje, percepcje, świadomość", ed. A. Klawiter (Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2008).
9. A. Hochschild, "The Managed Heart: Commercialization of Human Feeling" (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2012).
10. "Kultura afektu – afekty w kulturze. Humanistyka po zwrocie afektywnym", ed. R. Nycz, A. Dauksza and A. Łebkowska (Warszawa: IBL PAN, 2015).
11. S. Lash, "Another Modernity. A Different Rationality" (Oxford: Blackwell, 1999).
12. B. Massumi, "Parables for the Virtual. Movement, Affect, Sensation" (Durham: Duke University Press, 2002).
13. B. Massumi, "The Politics of Affect" (Oxford: Wiley, 2015).
14. S. Ngai, "Ugly Feelings" (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2007).
15. G. Schulze, "Die Erlebnisgesellschaft. Kultursoziologie der Gegenwart" (Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 1992).
16. C. Wodziński, "Odys. Esej o gościnności" (Gdańsk: słowo/obraz terytoria, 2015).
0867-0633 ; 10.18318/td.2017.en.1.1
Source:IBL PAN, call no. P.I.2524 ; click here to follow the link
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Digitizing institution:Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Original in:Library of the Institute of Literary Research PAS