Object structure

The Forgery of Polish Traditions of Yore : On Two Legendary Medieval Customs Mentioned in Satyr albo Dziki mąż by Jan Kochanowski


Odrodzenie i Reformacja w Polsce T. 61 (2017) Special Issue


Grześkowiak, Radosław (1968– )


Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences ; Kłopotek, Natalia : Tr.

Place of publishing:


Date issued/created:



p. 215-244

Type of object:


Subject and Keywords:

Kochanowski, Jan (1530-1584). Satyr albo Dziki mąż ; Kochanowski, Jan (1530-1584) - criticism and interpretation ; Poland - social life and customs - history ; social life and customs - in literature ; old custom ; knightly culture ; historical novel


In his Satyr, or The Wild Man Jan Kochanowski refers to two old-time customs: first that, during the mass, at the reading of the Gospel, old Poles were to half draw their swords in token of their readiness to defend the Christian faith (vv. 185–200), and the second that infamists were punished upon their honour in such a way that when they sat at table with other people, the host cut the tablecloth to indicate that he did not want to share a meal with them (vv. 231–236). The article analyses numerous references to those customs in the old-Polish literature (unanimously attesting to the lack of these rituals in the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries), to indicate that both were literary legends.


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Odrodzenie i Reformacja w Polsce


61 SI

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Article : original article



Resource Identifier:

0029-8514 ; 2450-8349 ; 10.12775/OiRwP.2017.SI.10


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