Object structure

Transformacja opadów atmosferycznych w strefie drzew wybranych ekosystemów leśnych w Górach Świętokrzyskich = The transformation of precipitation in the tree canopy in selected forest ecosystems of Poland’s Świętokrzyskie Mountains


Przegląd Geograficzny T. 89 z. 1 (2017)


Kozłowski, Rafał ; Jóźwiak, Marek



Place of publishing:


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24 cm

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Subject and Keywords:

precipitation ; throughfall ; stemflow ; beech ; pine ; spruce


Atmospheric deposition is regarded as an element determining the circulation of matter in forest ecosystems. As a result of contact with the surfaces of plants, rainwater is subject to transformations whose magnitudes depend on both species composition (above all coniferous v broadleaved) and levels of air pollution. Such pollution acts directly to modify atmospheric precipitation, while also operating indirectly at the surface of trees, by way of the deposition of substances. As a result of the washing of elements depositing on the surface, rainwater changes its physical and chemical properties, as well as its chemical composition. The aim of the work described here was thus to analyse the conditions underpinning transformations of atmospheric precipitations in selected forest ecosystems of Poland’s Świętokrzyskie Mountains, on the basis of studies conducted there in the years 2011-2015. Field research was conducted in research areas located in the central and south-western parts of the above Mountains, and was concerned with rainwater in vertical section: bulk precipitation – through fall – stem flow. The data collected were processed statistically using Statistica 10.0 software. The results of measurements made in the Świętokrzyskie Mountains reflect overlapping continental, regional and local emissions, as well as changes taking place as regards emissions of primary pollutants and their products transformed photochemically and chemically under particular meteorological conditions in the course of transport with masses of air over shorter or longer distances. Emissions from natural and anthropogenic sources were found to act on component elements of ecosystems directly from atmospheric air and indirectly through products of their transformation in the form of direct deposition and deposition via crowns. Forest ecosystems have numerous spatially determined paths and areas of flow of substances originating from tree-crown deposition. Along these paths, the delivery of substances from emissions in wet, moist and especially dry deposition is significant ecologically, as are paths for their offtake in throughfall and stem fall. Immissions flowing through the hylosphere have featured changed actively, while at the same time being subject to movement and various biogenic transformations due to the washing out of crowns and washing, as well as crown intake. Quantitative and qualitative features of crown deposition determine the quality and intensity of processes of transformation of rainwater in the areas of the forest stand and during the flow through a layer of plants of the forest floor and to the surface of the soil.


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