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Problemy Ekologii Krajobrazu = The Problems of Landscape Ecology, t. 38
Kroh, Paweł
Struś, Paweł
Gorczyca, Elżbieta
Wrońska-Wałach, Dominika
Długosz, Michał
Polska Asocjacja Ekologii Krajobrazu ; Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Geografii i Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania im. Stanisława Leszczyckiego.
Place of publishing: Date issued/created: Description:Bibliogr. ; Summ. eng. ; 244 p. : il. (color.) ; 24 cm
Type of object: Subject and Keywords:LiDAR ; digital elevation model ; landslides ; local community
Abstract:Airborne Laser Scanning (Light Detection and Ranging – LiDAR) have proven to be a helpful tool in the analysis of mass movements. Even though LiDAR has been used in the environmental sciences recently, studies using these methods in the analysis of landslides are numerous. The aim of the study was to determine the ability to identify landslides in the commune scale based on spatial data from airborne laser scanning within the framework of “Information System of the National Guards against extraordinary threats” (ISOK). The assumption of the applied method was to determine the landslides areas, without fieldwork mapping, based only on data obtained from point clouds and afterwards to verify gathered results. Two researchers, lacking knowledge concerning study area, prepared the Digital Elevation Model from the point clouds and based on these data recognized the landslides as well as hazardous areas. The second part of the research team who previously made a detailed terrain landslides mapping in the study area had the task of verifying the outcomes of the first stage. Subsequently, combined analysis of mistakes made be the first part of research team was carried out and the capabilities and limitations of the method was established. Comparison of materials obtained from diverse data sources permit to perform two-way verification of conducted research. Mistakes coming from either vague parts of point cloud’ DEM or terrain landslide mapping in forested areas were recognized.
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