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Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences
Place of publishing: Date issued/created: Description: Type of object: Subject and Keywords:Schwabian identity ; German identity ; Tarján community
Abstract:The article points out certain processes going on in the recent past and the present by presenting and analyzing what I have found in Tarján. Present changes in language usage, the disappearance of a primary ethnic socialization, the ethnic identity that is becoming German rather than Swabian, the upset and then restored balance of dual identities are processes that span several generations and may be discernable even from a distant image. These are elements that most probably characterize other Swabian communities, too, although they must have different forms. The differences are to be located in their realization, their local interpretations: that is, in local characteristics; and they mark the need for further research. The fact that local ethnic identity is moving towards a general German ethnic identity in Tarján is most probably both the basis and the condition of the successes of the entire community, not only because of a mentality that creates social capital out of common descent and economic capital out of this social capital, but also because a centuries long tradition of coexistence and acceptance is valuable in itself
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Original in:Library of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences