Język metadanych
Poezja Zbigniewa Herberta w krytyce anglosaskiej
Inny tytuł: Twórca: Wydawca: Miejsce wydania: Data wydania/powstania: Opis: Typ obiektu: Temat i słowa kluczowe:Herbert, Zbigniew (1924-1998) ; literatura polska - 20 w. ; Anglia ; recepcja
1. J. Aaron, Without Boundaries, "Parnassus" 1981, nr 1.
2. Against Forgetting: Twentieth-Century Poetry of Witness, pod red. C. Forche, Norton 1993.
3. A. Alvarez, Introduction, Zbigniew Herbert Selected Poems, tr. by Cz. Miłosz, P. D. Scott, Penguin Books 1968.
4. A. Alvarez, Noble Poet, "The New York Review of Books", July 18, 1985.
5. A. Alvarez, Plain Human Speech: East European Poetry and Radical Chic, "Times Literary Supplement", May 15, 1992.
6. Armed with Irony, "Times Literary Supplement", May 9, 1968.
7. J. Bayley, The Art of Austerity, "Times Literary Supplement", January 31, 1986.
8. J. Bayley, The Order of the Battle at Trafalgar, "Salmagundi" 1985, nr 68/69.
9. M. Bell, Homage to the Runner, "The American Poetry Review", July-August 1976.
10. S. Birkerts, The Electric Life: Essays on Modern Poetry, "Morrow Press" 1989.
11. The Burning Forest. Modern Polish Poetry, wyb. i przeł. A. Czerniawski, 1988.
12. C. Cavanagh, The Unacknowledged Legislator's Dream: Zbigniew Herbert and Anglo-American Poetry. The Other Herbert, by B. Shalcross, "Indiana Slavic Sudies" 1998, nr 9.
13. J. M. Coetzee, Zbigniew Herbert and the Figure of the Censor, "Salmagundi" 88/99 Fall 1990/Winter 1991.
14. Contemporary East European Poetry: An Athology, pod red. E. George, 1983.
15. T. Eagleton, Translation and Transformation, "Stand Magazine" 1979, nr 3.
16. From the Republic of Conscience, pod red Ch. Wallace-Crabbe, K. Flattley, 1992.`
17. S. Griffiths, Names for the Newcaster's Head, "Poetry Wales" 1991, nr 1.
18. H. Hart, Heaney Among the Deconstructionists, "Journal of Modern Literature" 1990, nr 4.
19. R. Hass, The Austere Artistry of Zbigniew Herbert, "Washington Post Book World", July 21, 1985.
20. S. Heaney, An Interview conducted by Randy Brandes, "Salmagundi" 80 (1988).
21. S. Heaney, Zawierzyć poezji, Kraków 1996.
22. E. Hirsch, The Fidelity of Things, "The New Yorker", December 23, 1991.
23. M. Hoffman, Lvov Poems, "Poetry Review" 1994, nr 1.
24. R. Kimball, Poet's Pilgrimage, "Times Literary Supplement" 1986, nr 4335.
25. L. Levis, Strange Days: Zbigniew Herbert in Los Angeles, "The Antioch Review", Winter 1987.
26. L. Levis, War As Parable And War As Fact: Herbert and Forche, "The American Poetry Review", January-February 1983.
27. L. Liberman, A Confluence of Poets, "Poetry", April 1969.
28. D. McDuff, Poetry Chronicle, "Stand Magazine" 1988, nr 2.
29. W. Meredith, Reasons for Poetiy and the Reason for Criticism, w: The Motive for Methaphor: Essays on Modern Poetry in Honor of Samuel French Morse, ed. by F. C. Blessington, Northeastern University Press 1983.
30. Modern Poems on Classical Myths, oprac. N. Kossman, 2000.
31. B. Murphy, The Exile of Literature: Poetry and the Politics of the Other(s), "Critical Inquiry" 1990 ,nr 1.
32. B. Murphy, Modes, "Poetry", August 1994.
33. The New Polish Poetry, red. i przekł. M. Holton, P. Vangelesti, 1978.
34. D. O'Driscoll, Eastern Ripples, "Cambridge Quarterly" 1989, nr 2.
35. Parnassus: Twenty Years of Poetry in Review, oprac. H. Leibowitz, 1994.
36. M. Parker, Out of Suffering, "Times Literary Supplement", October 8, 1993.
37. K. Pobo, Zbigniew Herbert: Magic Finding Verse in an Occupied Land, "World Literature Today", Summer 1994.
38. S. Pugh, [bez tytułu], "Poetry Wales" 1998, nr 2/3.
39. M. Rudman, A Calm and Clear Eye, "The Nation", September 28, 1985.
40. Spoiling Cannibal's Fun. Polish Poetry of the Last Two Decades of Communist Rule, oprac. S. Barańczak, C. Cavanagh, 1991.
41. S. Stepanchev, Objects Don't Lie: Talk with a Polish Poet, "The New Leader", August 26, 1968.
42. H. Vendler, The Harvard Book of Contemporary American Poetry, Harvard University Press 1985.
43. H. Vendler, Interview with Jarosław Anders, Voice of America, August 6, 1998.
44. H. Vendler, The Music of What Happens. Poems, Poets, Critics, Harvard University Press 1988.
45. H. Vendler, Soul Says. On Recent Poetry, Harvard University Press 1995.
46. R. K. Wilson, [bez tytułu], "World Literature Today" (1986), nr 2.
47. R. K. Wilson, Three Contemporary Slavic Poets: A View from Other Side, "The New Quarterly Cave" (Nowa Zelandia) 1976, nr 4.
48. S. Wood, The Reflections of Mr. Palomar and Mr. Cogito: Italo Calvino and Zbigniew Herbert, MLN, January 1994. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/2904932.
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Zasady wykorzystania: Digitalizacja:Instytut Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Lokalizacja oryginału:Biblioteka Instytutu Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Dofinansowane ze środków:Program Operacyjny Innowacyjna Gospodarka, lata 2010-2014, Priorytet 2. Infrastruktura strefy B + R ; Unia Europejska. Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego