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Michałowska, Teresa ; "Ego Gertruda: A Literary Historical Study" ; Gertrude’s prayer book ; Central-East European culture – 10 th-11th century ; biography ; interpretation
1. Gertrudae filiae Mesconis II regnis Poloniae, wyd. W. Meysztowicz, Romae 1955.
2. M.H. Malewicz, B. Kürbis, Modlitwy księżnej Gertrudy z Psałterza Egberta z Kalendarzem, Kraków 2002.
3. T. Michałowska, Ego Gertruda. Studium historycznoliterackie. Warszawa 2001.
4. Modlitwy księżnej Gertrudy z Psałterza Egberta w Cividale, przeł. i oprac. B. Kürbis, Kraków 1998.
5. Polski słownik biograficzny, t. 7, Kraków 1948-1958, s. 405-406.
6. H.V. Sauerland, A. Haseloff, Der Psalter Egberts von Trier. Codex Gertrudianus in Cividale, Trier 1901.
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Digitizing institution:Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Original in:Library of the Institute of Literary Research PAS
Projects co-financed by:Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund