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Four new species of Megaselia Rondani (Diptera: Phoridae) from France
Subtitle:Fragmenta Faunistica, vol. 57, no. 1 ; Cztery nowe gatunki z rodzaju Megaselia Rondani (Diptera: Phoridae) z Francji ; Four new species of Megaselia from France
Disney, R. Henry L.
Siffointe, René
Polska Akademia Nauk. Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii
Publisher:Museum and Institute of Zoology, PAS
Place of publishing: Date issued/created: Description:P. 47-55, ill. 25 cm ; Bibliogr. p. 54-55 ; Abstarct in Polish
Type of object: Subject and Keywords:Megaselia ; Phoridae ; phorid flies ; phorids ; scuttle flies ; Brachycera ; brachyceran flies ; flies ; Diptera ; insects ; Insecta ; France ; Rhône-Alpes ; Sallanches ; new species
Abstract:Among Phoridae collected at Sallanches (France, Rhône-Alpes) are Megaselia marekdurskii Disney, previously only known from Poland, and the new species: M. betrugspinata Disney sp. n., M. museoconfluentis Disney sp. n., M. siffointei Disney sp. n. and M. similipropinqua Disney sp. n.
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SCHMITZ H. 1957. Phoridae. In: LINDNER E (ed.), Die Fliegen der palaearktischen Region 4(33) (Lieferung 196):417–464.
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Source:MiIZ PAN, call no. P.256 ; MiIZ PAN, call no. P.4664
Language: Language of abstract: Rights:Creative Commons Attribution BY 3.0 PL license
Terms of use:Copyright-protected material. [CC BY 3.0 PL] May be used within the scope specified in Creative Commons Attribution BY 3.0 PL license, full text available at: ; -
Digitizing institution:Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Original in:Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences