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Sprawozdania Archeologiczne 63 (2011)
Creator:Dzierżanowska, Agnieszka ; Król, Dariusz ; Rogoziński, Jakub ; Rybicka, Małgorzata
Publisher:Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Place of publishing: Date issued/created: Description: Type of object: Subject and Keywords:pucharów lejkowatych kultura ; obszary lessowe ; główka barana ; ceramika -- ornamentyka ; wpływy kultury badeńskiej
Abstract:During the rescue excavations conducted in Pawłosiów, site 52, a vast TRB settlement was investigated. Among many features the pit No. 109 seems to be very important. It contained the jug with a handle of ram horns, which is one of the most characteristic features of the loess settlement agglomerations of this culture. Archaeological context of this jug allow to determine the chronology of the pit to the turn of the II and IIIa TRB phase. The described discovery make possible to include Carpathian loess foothills into central areas of the TRB evolution in SE Poland
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