Object structure

Funnel Beaker Animal Husbandry at Bronocice


Sprawozdania Archeologiczne 63 (2011)


Milisauskas, Sarunas ; Kruk, Janusz ; Pipes, Marie-Lorraine


Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk

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il. ; 25 cm

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Subject and Keywords:

pucharów lejkowatych kultura ; Bronocice (Polska) ; Polska południowo-wschodnia ; rolnictwo ; zwierzęta udomowione


The Funnel Beaker or Trichterbecher (TRB) occupation at Bronocice, southeastern Poland (Małopolska) was based on a mixed farming economy, the cultivation of cereals and the keeping of domesticated animals. A zooarchaeological analysis and interpretation of the faunal assemblage from three phases of Funnel Beaker occupation (3800–3100 BC) revealed significant trends and patterns in animal husbandry practices reflective of increasing social complexity and specialization. In comparison with other sites in southeastern Poland the faunal data from Bronocice stands out as unique among Funnel Beaker sites with the exception of Zawarża


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