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Shallcross, Bożena ; "Framing the Polish Home. Postwar Cultural Construction of Hearth, Nation and Self" ; polonistyka ; dom ; antropologia
1. Framing the Polish Home. Postwar Cultural Construction of Hearth, Nation and Self, ed. by B. Shallcross, Ohio University Press, Athens 2002.
2. A. Legeżyńska, Dom i poetycka bezdomność w liryce współczesnej, PWN, Warszawa 1996, s. 37.
3. The Oxford English Dictionary, vol. VI, Oxford University Press 1989, s. 142.
4. B. Shallcross, Cień i forma. O wyobraźni plastycznej Leopolda Staffa, Glob, Szczecin 1982.
5. B. Shallcross, Through the Poet's Eye: Travels of Zagajewski, Herbert, and Brodski, Northern University Press, Evaston 2002.
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