Metadata language
Culler, Jonathan
Maryl, Maciej
21 cm ; Tekst pol., streszcz. ang.
Type of object: Subject and Keywords:cultural studies ; humanities ; discipline ; theories ; structuralism
1. M. Bal, The Practice of Cultural Analysis oraz M. Bal Double Exposures. The Subject of Cultural Analysis, Routledge, New York 1996.
2. R. Barthes, Reflexions sur un manuel, w: L’Enseignement de la litterature, red. S. Dubrovsky, T. Todorov, Plon, Paris 1969, s. 170.
3. R. Barthes, S/Z, przeł. M.P. Markowski, M. Gołębiewska, Wydawnictwo KR, Warszawa 1999.
4. J. Cook, The Techno-University and the Future of Knowledge. Thoughts After Lyotard, w: The Practice of Cultural Analysis, s. 303-324.
5. J. Culler, Framing the Sign, Blackwell, Oxford, UK 1988, s. 3-40.
6. J. Cullera, The Literary in Theory, Stanford University Press, Stanford 2007.
7. Cultural Studies, ed. L. Grossberg, C. Nelson, P. Treichler, Routledge, New York 1992, s. 4.
8. W.P. Germano, Why Interdisciplinarity Isn’t Enough, w: The Practice of Cultural Analysis. Exposing Interdisciplinary Interpretation, ed. M. Bal with the assistance B. Gonzales, Stanford University Press, Stanford 1999, s. 326-34.
9. S. Hall, Cultural Studies. Two Paradigms, „Media, Culture, and Society” 1980 no 2, s. 57-72.
10. E.D. Hirsch, Cultural Literacy. What Every American Needs to Know, Houghton Mifflin, Boston 1987.
11. F. Jameson, The Ideology of the Text, w: The Ideologies of Theory, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis 1987, s. 18.
12. B. Johnson, Muteness Envy, w: tejże The feminist difference. Literature, psychoanalysis, race, and gender, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass.–London 1998, s. 129-154.
13. C. Lévi-Strauss, Surowe i gotowane, przeł. M. Falski, Wydawnictwo Aletheia, Warszawa 2010.
14. J.H. Newman, The Idea of a University, Longmans–Green, London 1926, s. 193.
15. G. Pollock, Killing Men and Dying Women. Gesture and Sexual Difference, w: The Practice of Cultural Analysis, s. 86.
16. Proposal for New Department of Social and Cultural Analysis, New York University, Faculty of Arts and Science, New York 2005, s. 1.
17. B. Readings, The University in Ruins, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA 1996.
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Language: Language of abstract: Rights:Rights Reserved - Restricted Access
Terms of use: Digitizing institution:Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Original in:Library of the Institute of Literary Research PAS
Projects co-financed by:Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund