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Jak jest zrobiony feministyczny kamp?
Subtitle: Creator:
Robertson, Pamela
Sobolczyk, Piotr
21 cm ; Tekst pol., streszcz. ang.
Type of object: Subject and Keywords: References:
1. D. Bergman, Introduction, do: Camp Grounds. Style and Homosexuality, ed. D. Bergman, University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst 1993, s. 10.
2. J. Bergstrom, M. Doane, The Female Spectator. Contexts and Directions, „Camera Obscura” 1989 nr 20-21, s. 16-17.
3. M. Booth, Camp, Quartet Books, London–New York 1983, s. 18.
4. A. Britton, For Interpretation – Notes Against Camp, „Gay Left” winter 1978/1979.
5. J. Butler, Bodies That Matter. On the Discursive Limits of ‘Sex’, Routledge, New York 1994, s. 125.
6. J. Butler, Gender Trouble. Feminism and the Subversion of Identity, Routledge, London–New York 1990, s. 32 i 141.
7. G. Chauncey, Gay New York. Gender, Urban Culture, and the Making of the Gay Male World 1890-1940, Basic Books, New York 1994, zwł. s. 289.
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9. M.A. Doane, The Desire to Desire. The Woman’s Films of the 1940s, Indiana University Press, Bloomington 1987, s. 180.
10. A. Doty, Making Things Perfectly Queer. Interpreting Mass Culture, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis–London 1993, s. 3.
11. R. Dyer, It’s Being so Camp as Keeps Us Going, „Playguy” 1976. Przedruk w: tegoż Only Entertainment, Routledge, London–New York 1992, s. 145.
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13. R. Dyer, White, „Screen” 1988 nr 4, s. 44.
14. Female Spectators. Looking at Film and Television, ed. E.D. Pribram, Verso, New York 1988.
15. C. Gledhill, Pleasurable Negotiations, w: Female Spectators, s. 73.
16. S. Hall, Encoding/Decoding, w: Culture, Media, Language, ed. S. Hall, Hutchinson, London 1980, s. 128-139.
17. M. Hansen, Individual Response to Questionnaire, „Camera Obscura” 1989 nr 20-21, s. 173.
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19. T. Hess, J’accuse Marcel Duchamp, „Art News” 1965 nr 10, s. 53.
20. L. Hutcheon, The Politics of Postmodernism, Routledge, London–New York 1989, s. 93, 8, 101.
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22. F. Jameson, Postmodernism, Or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism, „New Left Reviev” 1984 nr 146, s. 65.
23. C. Johnston Feminity and the Masquerade: „Anne of the Indies” (1975), w: Psychoanalysis and Cinema, ed. A. Kaplan, Routledge, New York 1990, s. 64-72.
24. R.F. Kiernan, Frivolity Unbound. Six Masters of thr Camp Novel, Continuum, New York 1990.
25. W. Koestenbaum, Callas and Her Fans, „Yale Review” 1990 nr 1, s. 13-14. Zob. C. Clement Opera, or the Undoing of Women, trans. B. Wing, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, s. 28.
26. J. Mayne, Cinema and Spectatorship, Routledge, London–New York 1993.
27. M. Meyer, Introduction. Reclaiming the Discourse of Camp, w: The Politics and Poetics of Camp, ed. M. Meyer, Routledge, London–New York 1994, s. 1-22.
28. T. Modleski, Rape versus Mans/laughter. Hitchcock’s „Blackmail” and Feminist Interpretation, „PMLA” 1987 nr 3, s. 310.
29. D. Moon, Insult and Inclusion. The Term „Fag Hag” and Gay Male „Community”, „Social Forces” 1995 nr 2.
30. M. Morris, Banality in Cultural Studies, w: Logics of Television. Essays in Cultural Criticism, ed. P. Mellencamp, Indiana University Press, Bloomington 1990, s. 30.
31. L. Mulvey, Afterthoughts on „Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema” inspired by Kong Vidor’s „Duel in the Sun”, w: tejże Visual and Other Pleasures, Indiana University Press, Bloomington 1989, s. 29-38.
32. E. Newton Mother Camp. Female Impersonators in America, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, s. 103.
33. E. Probyn, Sexing the Self. Gendered Positions in Cultural Studies, Routledge, New York 1993, s. 52.
34. S. Roberts, ‘The Lady in the Tutti-Frutti Hat’. Carmen Miranda, a Spectacle of Ethnicity, „Cinema Journal” 1993 nr 3, s. 3-23.
35. P. Robertson, What Makes the Feminist Camp?, wstęp do: tejże Feminist Camp from Mae West to Madonna, Duke University Press, Durham 1996.
36. A. Ross, Uses of Camp, w: tegoż No Respect. Intellectuals and Popular Culture, Routledge, New York 1989, s. 143-144.
37. K. Rowe, The Unruly Woman. Gender and the Genres of Laughter, University of Texas Press, Austin 1995.
38. P.J. Smith, ‘You Don’t Have to Say You Love Me’. The Camp Masquerades of Dusty Springfield i W.L. Clark Degenerate Personality. Deviant Sexuality and Race in Roland Firbank’s Novel’s, w: Camp Grounds, s. 185-205 i 134-155.
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40. S. Sonntag, The ‘Salmagundi’. Interviev with Robert Boyars and Maxine Bernstein, w: Susan Sontag Reader, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York 1982, s. 338-339.
41. J. Stacey, Star Gazing Hollywood Cinema and Female Spectatorship, Routledge, New York 1994.
42. S.R. Suleiman, Subversive Intent. Gender, Politics, and Avant-Garde, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1990, s. 179.
43. The Female Gaze. Women as Viewers of Popular Culture, ed. L. Gamman, M. Marshment, Real Comet Press, Seattle 1989.
44. W. White, ‘Camp’ as Adjective: 1909-1996, „American Speech” 1966 nr 41, s. 70-72.
45. C. Whitney, Uncommon Lives. Gay Men and Straight Women, New American Library, New York 1990.
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