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The Concept of Smart Development of Local Territorial Units in Peripheral Rural Areas. The Case of Lublin Voivodeship


Zwolińska-Ligaj, Magdalena ; Guzal-Dec, Danuta ; Adamowicz, Mieczysław


Instytut Rozwoju Wsi i Rolnictwa Polskiej Akademii Nauk

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Subject and Keywords:

smart village ; smart city ; local innovation ; amenities


The aim of the article was to systematise the achievements in the theoretical basis of the peripheral rural areas smart development concept as well as to measure the potential of smart development of rural and urban-rural gminas. The empirical part of the study focuses on the use of the authors’ idea to measure the potential of smart development in order to characterize the level of differentiation of territorial units in the Lublin voivodeship according to smart development potential level. One of the goals was also to identify potential smart villages in the region and to show the relationship between the type of functional structure of gminas and the level of their smart development. The study assumes that the smart village concept may be operationalized under the diagnosis of the following six dimensions: management, quality of life, economy, society, natural environment and mobility. The construction of a set of 24 diagnostic indicators of the above mentioned dimensions is based on the data from Central Statistical Office, Office of Electronic Communication and Central Register of Vehicles and Drivers. The degree of smart development in gminas was measured by means of zero unitarization method, which resulted in the ranking of 193 gminas in the Lublin voivodeship, including 167 rural and 26 urban-rural ones. The research enabled confirmation of the hypothesis concerning the existing relationship between a level of smart development and advancement of multifunctional development of the territorial units. It should be noted that, apart from urban-rural gminas, noticeable advancement in the potential for smart development was also achieved in rural gminas with diversified functional structure of local economies. Higher potential of smart development was demonstrated by units with a multi-functional economic structure.


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