Metadata language
Archaeological Reports ; Archäologische Berichte
Creator:Kośko, Aleksander ; Klochko, Viktor I. ; Potupchyk, Mikhailo ; Włodarczak, Piotr ; Żurkiewicz, Danuta
Publisher:Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Place of publishing: Date issued/created: Description: Type of object: Subject and Keywords:archaeology ; late Eneolithic ; Early Bronze Age ; Podillia ; barrows ; Yamna culture ; Yampil
In the vicinity of Yampil (Vinnytsia oblast, Ukraine), there exists a cluster of barrows dating back to the Eneolithic and Early Bronze Age. Nestled upon the Podillia Upland, this concentration lies at the crossroads of two cultural spheres: the Eastern European steppe and Central European. The exploration of the Yampil barrows began during the 1980s by archaeologists from Vinnytsia. This endeavor was enriched by a Polish-Ukrainian expedition that conducted fieldwork from 2010 to 2014. Seven barrows were then examined. Today, an abundance of radiocarbon data empowers us to construct a precise chronological framework for the Yampil barrow graves. We can now discern four principal stages in this sequence: (1) late Eneolithic, (2) early Yamna, (3) late Yamna era, and (4) Catacombna. During the first two periods (3350-2800 calBC), these barrows were meticulously constructed, sometimes evolving in multiple phases. In the latter two stages (2800-2400 calBC), cemeteries took shape, marked by graves thoughtfully dug into the fully formed mounds.
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0081-3834 ; doi:10.23858/SA/75.2023.1.3605
Source:IAiE PAN, call no. P 244 ; IAiE PAN, call no. P 245 ; IAiE PAN, call no. P 243 ; click here to follow the link
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