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Camping Tourism in Bulgaria: A time-series analysis of tourist demand
Subtitle:Geographia Polonica Vol. 96 No. 3 (2023)
Naydenov, Alexander
Naumov, Nikola
Varadzhakova, Desislava
camping grounds ; campsites ; Bulgaria ; trends ; tourism ; time series
Camping tourism has become very popular since the beginning of COVID-19 as tourists started to look for socially distanced and yet experiential activities. However, the academic scholarship is relatively thin, particularly in the context of Eastern Europe – a geographical location with rich traditions in outdoor camping and tourism. Drawing on a quantitative methodology based on ARIMA and SARIMA, this study addresses this gap by forecasting the changes in camping tourism development in the short term in Bulgaria. The results indicate a decline of inbound tourism and international visittors but also suggest a positive trend of development for the domestic market.
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