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Książka = Book ; KS/4/2009/T11P16
Creator: Publisher:Instytut Badań Systemowych. Polska Akademia Nauk ; Systems Research Institute. Polish Academy of Sciences
Place of publishing: Date issued/created: Description:[2], 197-201 stron ; 21 cm ; Bibliografia s. 201
Type of object: Abstract:This paper presents an evolutionary algorithm for solving the n-traveling salesman problem (N-TSP). The traveling salesman problem is an NP-Complete problem. The time required to solve the NP-Complete problem using any currently known algorithm increases very quickly as the size of the problem grows. As a result, the time required to solve even moderately large versions of many of these problems easily reaches in to the billions or trillions of years, using any amount of computing power available today. One of technique to solve NP-Complete problem it is a heuristic algorithm that works "reasonably well" in many cases but for which there is no proof that it is both always fast and always produces a good result.
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Digitizing institution:Instytut Badań Systemowych Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Original in:Biblioteka Instytutu Badań Systemowych PAN
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