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File of histopathological evaluation of nervous system diseases (1965) - nr 139/65
Institutional creator:Department of Experimental and Clinical Neuropathology MMRI
Contributor: Place of publishing: Date issued/created: Description:Clinical, anatomical and histological diagnosis
Subject and Keywords:Vascular diseases - encephalomalacia invetera
Abstract:Histological diagnosis: Encephalomalaciae recentes hemisphae riutriusque et cerebelli invetera. Autopsy examination of 57-year-old patient was performed. Neuropathological evaluation in light microscopy was based on brain paraffin sections stained with cresyl-violet, Heidenhain and Van Gieson's method.In both cerebral hemispheres, in the area of middle cerebral arteries vascularization a foci of fresh malacia were found. In the left hemisphere, they involved the early basal ganglia, superior temporal ganglia, and middle temporal ganglia. In the right hemisphere, they occupied the middle and inferior temporal gyrus and the inferior parietal lobe. Perivascular cavities and blood-infiltrated tissue were also visible in the striatum. The foci of malacia were in the phase of very early necrosis or leucocytic infiltration. Heindenhain staining showed myelin damage within the foci as well as in its borders. In the cerebellum, an old degenerative focus in the stage of advanced organization was found. Symptomatic infiltrates were observed in the meninges. Large atherosclerotic lesions were seen in the vessels. Besides, features of congestion and edema were found.
Resource type: Format: Language: Language of abstract: Rights:Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license
Terms of use:Copyright-protected material. [CC BY 4.0] May be used within the scope specified in Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license, full text available at: ; -
Digitizing institution:Mossakowski Medical Research Institute PAS
Original in:Library of the Mossakowski Medical Research Institute PAS
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