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Polish-Ukrainian Bilingualism in Strzelczyska in Ukraine (among the Youth and the Oldest Generation)
Creator: Publisher:Instytut Języka Polskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Place of publishing: Date issued/created: Subject and Keywords:Polish in Ukraine ; Polish-Ukrainian bilingualism ; successive bilingualism ; receptive bilingualism ; interlanguage communication
Abstract:The article concerns selected aspects of bilingualism among Poles in Strzelczyska. Strzelczyska (ukr.Стрілецьке) is a village located near Mościska in Ukraine; almost all of the village’s current residentsare Poles (499 Poles and 5 Ukrainians). The basis of the article consists of semi-structured interviewswith 20 respondents representing two generations: the youth (14–16 years old) and the oldest generation(66–86 years old), recorded in 2017. A comparison of these two generations showcases the changes thathave occurred in this community since the end of World War 2, when the village became USSR territory.The research leads to the conclusion that Polish is the first language of the inhabitants, they learn Ukrainianat school age (their bilingualism is successive). The level of knowledge of Ukrainian changes at differentstages of their lives: young people are in the phase of ascendant bilingualism, seniors are in the phase ofrecessive bilingualism (they lose their skills due to a lack of contact with the language). Some of the olderresidents understand Ukrainian, but speaking Ukrainian is an issue (their bilingualism is receptive). Theinter-language interactions of the inhabitants of Strzelczyska are accompanied by Polish-Ukrainian receptivecommunication, as well as the phenomena described as code-switching or translanguaging.
Relation: Volume: Issue: Start page: End page: Resource type: Detailed Resource Type: Format: Resource Identifier: Language: Language of abstract: Rights: Terms of use: Access: