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Kwartalnik Historyczny R. 90 nr 3 (1983), Recenzje
Subtitle:Kwartalnik Historyczny R. 90 nr 3 (1983)
Bylina, Stanisław (1936–2017)
Biskup, Marian (1922–2012)
Zdrenka, Joachim (1952– )
Grzybowski, Stanisław (1930–2022)
Opaliński, Edward (1950– )
Groniowski, Krzysztof (1932–2012)
Wimmer, Jan
Izdebski, Hubert (1947– )
Pietrzak-Pawłowska, Irena (1909–1994)
Zajewski, Władysław (1930– )
Grot, Zdzisław Henryk (1903–1984)
Golonka, Barbara
Molik, Witold (1949– )
Maternicki, Jerzy (1935– )
Wapiński, Roman (1931–2008)
Kiepurska, Halina
Wrzesiński, Wojciech (1934–2013)
Papierzyńska-Turek, Mirosława
Materski, Wojciech (1944– )
Nowak-Kiełbikowa, Maria (1930–2013)
Izdebski, Jerzy (1952– )
Olszewski, Henryk (1932–2021)
Ślusarczyk, Jacek (1951– )
Miszczuk, Marian
Ciągwa, Józef (1939– )
Wyczański, Andrzej (1924–2008)
Willaume, Małgorzata (1951– )
Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Publisher: Place of publishing: Date issued/created: Description: Subject and Keywords: Relation: Resource type: Detailed Resource Type: Format: Resource Identifier: Source:IH PAN, sygn. A.52/90/3 Podr. ; IH PAN, sygn. A.96/90/3 ; click here to follow the link
Language: Rights:Rights Reserved - Restricted Access
Terms of use: Digitizing institution:Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Original in:Library of the Institute of History PAS
Projects co-financed by:Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund