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Regional differentiation of commodity trade of Ukraine with Poland
Subtitle:Geographia Polonica Vol. 93 No. 3 (2020)
Lazhnik, Volodymyr
Puhach, Serhii
Maister, Andrii
export ; import ; commodity trade ; trade balance coefficient ; trade connectivity coefficient ; transport linkages ; Ukraine ; Poland
Abstract:The purpose of this article is to examine the status of the Ukrainian-Polish bilateral trade links, to identify regional characteristics and disparities in the Ukrainian commodity trade with Poland. The place of Poland in the geographical structure of commodity exports and imports with regard to Ukrainian regions has been studied. Balance and connectivity coefficients of commodity trade with Poland have been calculated for 25 regions of Ukraine. Regionally influenced differentiations between the Ukrainian and Polish regional commodity trade links have been revealed. The groups of Ukrainian regions have been determined on the basis of the level of their commodity trade balance and type of external trade links with Poland.
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