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Die Farbenvariationen von Stilbum cyanurum Forster
Subtitle: Creator:Trautmann, Woldemar (1880–1929)
Publisher: Place of publishing: Date issued/created: Description:"Neue Beiträge zur systematischen Insektenkunde, Band 1, Nr 18" ; 2 s. : 21 cm
Type of object: Subject and Keywords:Insects - wasps (Stilbum cyanurum Forster, Chrysididae) ; Wasps (Stilbum cyanurum Forster, Chrysididae) - color varieties ; Wasps (Stilbum cyanurum Forster, Chrysididae) - appearance
Relation:Publications of famous biologists - a collection of prints
Resource type: Detailed Resource Type: Format: Source:IBD PAN, call no. 19746/842 ; click here to follow the link
Language: Rights: Terms of use: Digitizing institution:Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Original in:Library of the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology PAS
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