Metadata language
Management of the Polish Zoological Society
Date issued/created: Description:Monochromatic phot. 12,5x17 cm ; Title supplied by cataloger, based on information on the reverse of the photo ; On the reverse: list of people from the photo
Subject and Keywords:Polish Zoological Society ; Polish scientific societies -- organization -- activities ; Mikulski, Józef Stanisław (1907-1990) ; Gieysztor, Marian (1901-1961) ; Wilburg, Jan (1903-?) ; Smreczyński, Stanisław (1899-1975) ; Dziurzyński, Adam (1887-1970) ; Szarski, Kazimierz Witalis (1904-1960) ; Wojtusiak, Roman Józef (1906-1987) ; Poluszyński, Gustaw (1887-1959) ; Stefański, Witold (1891-1973) ; Stach, Jan (1877-1975) ; biologists - Poland - biography
Resource type: Detailed Resource Type: Source: Rights: Terms of use: Digitizing institution:Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Original in:Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology PAS
Projects co-financed by: Access: