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Microorganisms in stereoselective organie synthesis
Subtitle:Microorganisms in stereoselective organie synthesis
Creator:Niemiec, Aleksandra ; Szeja, Wiesław
Publisher:Committee on Biotechnology PAS ; Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS
Date issued/created: Subject and Keywords: Abstract:This paper deals with the use of microorganisms for the synthesis ofhomochiral compounds. The influence of various factors on the efficiency ofbiotransformation employing whole cells is discussed. The author’s attentionwas focused on stereochemistry of reaction since the knowledge of its rules allows to control the stereoselectivity and productivity of biotransformation.Some interesting examples of best documented bioreduction and biooxidationreactions were selected and are reported in this article.
Relation:Biotechnologia, vol.54, 3 (2001)-.
Volume: Issue: Start page: End page: Resource type: Detailed Resource Type: Format: Resource Identifier: Source:Library of Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS
Language: Language of abstract: Temporal coverage: Rights:Creative Commons Attribution BY-SA 4.0 license
Terms of use: Digitizing institution:Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Science
Original in:Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Science
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