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Wytwarzanie chitozanu z grzybów strzępkowych
Subtitle: Creator:Jaworska, Małgorzata ; Konieczna, Ewa
Publisher:Komitet Biotechnologii PAN ; Instytut Chemii Bioorganicznej PAN
Date issued/created: Subject and Keywords: Abstract:The method of chitosan separation from fungus cell walls was presented byWhite, Farina, Fulton in 1979. Since that time many other investigators workedon that subject. None of them succeeded in developing a technology that wouldbe worth-while as faras the economical aspect of the matter is concerned.The yield of chitosan from fungal mass or from cultivation medium dependson several factors like: strain of fungi used, cultivation method (submerged cultures or solid-state cultures), cultivation parameters (pFl, temperature, time ofcultivation).The aim of this paper was to compare the literature and own data presenting the influence of culture conditions on chitosan yields.
Relation:Biotechnologia, vol.57, 2 (2002)-.
Volume: Issue: Start page: End page: Resource type: Detailed Resource Type: Format: Resource Identifier: Source:Biblioteka Instytutu Chemii Bioorganicznej PAN
Language: Language of abstract: Temporal coverage: Rights:Licencja Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa-Na tych samych warunkach 4.0
Terms of use: Digitizing institution:Instytut Chemii Bioorganicznej Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Original in:Instytut Chemii Bioorganicznej Polskiej Akademii Nauk
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