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J. Bauer Photograph Wien Mölkerbastei N˚. 91
Description:Monochromatic phot. 5,5x8,5 cm sheet 6,5x10 cm ; Title supplied by cataloger ; On the reverse: imprint of the photo studio and description: "Fotografja[!] mniej więcej około roku 1840-48 Kazimierz hr. Wodzicki; Fotografja [!] z portretu, który znajduje się we Lwowie u hr. Juljusza [!] Dunin Borkowskiego ul. Długosza 14."
Subject and Keywords:Wodzicki, Kazimierz (1816-1889) ; zoologists ; naturalists ; ornithologists ; authors ; hunters ; biologists - Poland - biography
Resource type: Detailed Resource Type: Source: Rights: Terms of use: Digitizing institution:Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Original in:Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology PAS
Projects co-financed by: Access: